Wednesday 14 October 2015

Chapter 0:2 - Runaway Baby

I can't believe this is happening...

Jenna can't look after herself, and it seems I can't either. Good thing she doesn't have any dependants she has to care for or anything, that could be disastrous.

Oh wait. She does.

Good thing Shawn exists, this challenge would be a lot more stressful otherwise!

Confession time: Usually with legacies I just skip the baby part faster than you can say "Mr. Stork", but I felt like I had to endure it for this challenge because, well, it wouldn't be a challenge if it wasn't challenging at all.

But surely this kid is pooping more than usual?

This picture makes me die a little more inside every time I look at it. Where are we going wrong with you, Jenna?

Oh wait, the whole baby thing didn't last that long at all?

Maybe I should start leaving the game on normal speed and just watching everything unfold in front of my eyes.

So, Arin allegedly grew up to be a slob - I've yet to see it - and an Artistic Prodigy. If the Dazello's weren't so broke I'd probably see to it that Arin has a few toys to play with. But they're broke, so no.

Jenna, you're not exactly being the best role model for Arin right now...

Oh no, it's worse than I thought. He's running away already!

Seriously though, what the heck has brought him outside like this?

Hours later, he just moves here. I can't figure out this boy's motives at all...

Phew, one thought of Daddy and he's coming home.

Not that it matters anyway, Shawn's been dancing this whole time!

Oh yeah, we should be getting on with more baby making, shouldn't we?

What better way to tell your spouse that you're pregnant other than peeing out a positive test result?

I'm sure Shawn's happy, but I think it's his stink clouds that's making him teary...

Either way, the next day marks the start of the weekend, and I figure it's time for Jenna and Arin to make a trip to the park.

God damn it, he's running away already...

I'll let you know how the park and pregnancy adventures go next time.

Until then, may your plumbobs be evergreen! <3

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